Monday, July 25, 2011

ATZ game one photos

These two photos show the game table set-up for our first game.  You can see the cab of the yellow oil truck at the garage, the furthest that the Zs got from the hospital.  In the background are my sailing 'navies' that are gunned and ready for backyard action, well as soon as it cools off.

The photo above  shows the rear of the hospital at turn one with the police in position as the Zs come out door 3.  Just to the right is the closest edge of the park.  One thing quite obvious is that we need real streets rather than just the tabletop (waxed masonite covering plywood.  Just below the tables edge  runs a 6 inch ledge for drinks and supplies, in this case a stash of 1 inch fender washers we use for bases (they cost about $0 .05 each by the 100 or 1,000).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

First ATZ Game

We finally got around to gaming ATZ today.  With the table looking thus:
We used a 4 foot by 4 foot part of the table.
Since this was our first ATZ I thought we would begin with an initial outbreak starting at the hospital.  The Zeds started moving inside the hospital and the police were called. They parked facing door 3 and I rolled for the numbers of Zs and at which door.  I controlled the police (since I only got to page 7 so far) and Ben had read through the rules so he became the game master, it worked out quite well.
I controlled five police all armed with automatics and three with flash bags.  With move one the police activated and moved toward door 3.  The Zs activated and came out of the hospitals 2,3,4 exits.  Civilians were located one each at the garage, outside the florist, diner, and 5 in the park.
The Zs at door 2 went toward the park, toward the police at door 3 and toward the church from door 4.  All the cops decided to fire at the Zs from door 3, one tried to throw his flashbang and he dropped it, he was safe but the female cop was out of action, the other three fired at the Zs killing 2 and knocking one down.
Turn 2
 Cops moved closer to the Zs and the one who tried the flashbang got up and had to meelee with a Z (cop won), two moved toward the park to stop the Zs, my character tried to revive his partner but could not; the Zs from door 2 attacked a man on a park bench from the rear, but they missed and had to melee with the cops. One cop was out of action while the other killed his Z. The Z from door 4 made it to the church but the door was closed.
Turn 3
Cops fired at Zs and killed the one from door 2, but more activated out the front door #1 and moved toward the florist and the man there. The cop near the parked killed the remaining Z. The other cops moved in his direction.
Turn 4
More Zs activated out door 1 and moved toward the florist.  The cops tried to revived the downed officer didn't work. The Zs from door 1 attacked the florist. The Z at the church attacked the priest and killed him but the Nun killed the Z
Turn 5
More Zs activated out door 4 and moved toward the florist.  The Zs at the florist finished with him and moved toward the garage the Zs moving from door 4 joined in.  The others out of door 2 moved toward the Post Office van then they saw the ganger at the diner and moved toward him.
Turn 6
The 3 remaining police moved toward the florist and the Zs going toward the ganger.
Turn 7
The Zs made it to the ganged and killed him.  My character got into range and killed a Z after the ganger died.  Two other cops moved and fired killing the last Z.
Turn 8
More Zs activated out of door 1 and moved toward the florist and the other moving Zs. My character went behind the florist toward the moving Zs. The other two cops moved toward the Zs in front of the florist.
Turn 9
The Zs made it to the garage and one charged the mechanic. My character got behind the those Zs and shot one, the mechanic had a grinder and was able to kill two Zeds attacking him.
the two cops in front of the florist shot and killed a Z. We activated a doctor, nurse and candy stripper out of door 2. 
Turn 10
These turns were really moving fast. More Zs activated out of door 1.  The Zs attacked the two cops, one Z was shot and one killed in a melee. My character oved and shot a Z. The medical staff moved toward the downed officer.
Turn 11
More Zs activated out of door 4 and moved toward the Z moving toward the garage.  The medics were able to revive the downed cop.  the other three cops moved and fired at the Zs killing two and knocking one down.
Turn 12
One Z activated out of door 1, my character moved and shot the downed Z, the other two shot and killed two Zs, this left 1 Z.
Turn 13
The medics and cop moved toward the other downed officer.  The last Z was shot.
Turn 14
One more Z activated right in front of the medics from door 3.  The Candy stripper had a gun but missed the cop shot and killed the Z.  The cops moved toward door 4.
Turn 15
A Z activated from door 4. The medics made it to the downed officer and revived her.  The other cops killed the Z and moved to the medic group.
Turn 16
Three Zs activated from door 3 and moved toward the group and had to climb on top of a car to attack the cops, everyone fired and the three Zs died.
We decided to end it here since to Zs could just keep activating.
All in all I had a good time and Ben did a great job game mastering.
The cops were Copplestone, the Zs ours mostly reusing the Hospital Zs, the civilians were either plasticville (park) or heroclix.  Vehicles were a mixed bag either 1/50 or 1/43.  The buildings were either plasticville or OG Chicagoland.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on figs

Lord Siwoc asked, nay begged for photos (just kidding), I don't know why I'm not a great painter, just adequate but here goes.  First up is the creature from the black lagoon, followed by a representative sample of my Chindits.

 Below is the future men's clothing store, from OG, not quite finished just a few detail to work on for the exterior, we'll work on the interior someother time.  This big red thing is my deep diving submersible.  I was hoping that the interior would be somewhat visible but the light is reflecting too much off the paint.  This was made from some GI Joe type sled thing, a cigar tube, a christmas ornament and a dishwashing liquid cap.  The interior contains a small computer part, as an on board computer, two figures, and some decals to represent control surfaces.  There is also a deck and ladder to the hatch.


 This photo shows some of the Egyptians for archaeological gaming along the Nile.  Everyone in white was just a rebase while the two diggers are new paint jobs.
My conversion of our hardsuit, there is a new backpack with nuclear motor and gas tanks for the flame thrower all scratch built.

I'm having problems moving the photos around where I want them Sorry.
Above is representative sample of my Connon Fodder US Naval figs that were rebased.  I really like the additions to the rear most fig who is now holding a Springfield '03 and a Bowie knife in preparation to defend his ship.
Finally, the OG small warehouse, that still needs a few details painted on the exterior.
I am looking for some machine shop tools for the interior of the model.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Painting update

The Chindits are finished, Ghurkas are based and primed along with Hinterlands figs: two 25 woman coys, a machinegun plt. and a half coy of trench raiders.  I also based six of Brigade Games female Zouaves to use as scouts.  Also completed were about ten Egyptian archaeology/smugglers/diggers.  I have slowly been rebasing figures (Egyptian figs and US Naval late 19th C and 1920s Naval) that were either on pennies or tiny washers (those fit for 15/20mm figs).
Last night we ordered a bunch of SCIFI figs from Antenociti's Workshop ( I got some female troops for an Honor Harrington scenario I've been developing. Terrain pieces from Ainsty Casting; including space station items and the stone wharf, among other bits.
I am working on two more OG buildings, one a factory the other looks like it is going to be a mens store with law offices above; so it needs to be fitted with stairs and a floor.
I bought from Syr Hobbs 12 packs of early war (II) US Marines and mostly all the civilians that Platoon 20 or Elheim had.  This pretty well finishes off the figures needed for my Japanese campaign against some So. Pacific Islands in the late 1930s (Tales of the old Monkey).